Beyoncé - "Schoolin' Life"

J.R. Taylor Choreography

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

We've all heard about medical mistakes before but what happened to one mother in New Jersey is beyond comprehension. Kaylnn Moore told reporters in New York yesterday that when she went into labor a month early on December 21, doctors at Christ Hospital in Jersey decided to do a C-section.

But instead of getting her Christmas miracle, a healthy baby boy named Bashir, Moore's son was stillborn. Devastated, the young mother left her baby's remains in the care of the hospital and went home. When she came back to claim him, the hospital couldn't find his body. That's right, you heard me, the Christ Hospital claimed it couldn't find Bashir. ...
How does a hospital lose an infant's body?

If that wasn't bad enough, Moore says police told her that her son had accidentally been thrown in the trash; tossed away like garbage. How in the world could that happen? Surely, medical professionals can tell the difference between a little black boy and a pile of trash, right? Apparently, not because now officials are searching dumps in New Jersey and Pennsylvania looking for Bashir's remains.

It makes me wonder about the state of health care in this country. And, it should make you think the next time you check in the hospital.